Theses/Reports from 1955
Hydraulic Shaft Mucker, Frederick D. Owsley
Geology of a portion of the Hand Mine, Argenta Mining District, Beaverhead County, Montana, John Thomas Richards
The Venturi-Mucker, Don A. Rohrenbach
Paragenesis of the Primary Ores of the Norwich Mine, Edward E. Scheitlin
Uranium Occurrences in the Pacific Northwest, Charles Van Alstine
Theses/Reports from 1954
Geology of a Mineralized Breccia "Pipe" near Basin, Montana, James W. Allan
New Techniques for Ore Search, Paul L. Allsman
Geology of the Ragged Point Oil Field Musselshell County, Montana, David M. Amos
Fluorite on the Wrong Font Claim, Robert L. Clayton
United States Gypsum's Heath Plant, Harold L. Coolidge
Geology of an Area Near Montana City, Montana, Frank A. Crowley
Investigation of Inclusions in Armco Ingot Iron, Edwin J. Duncan
Shaft Sinking Investigation, Harold Foss
Southwestern Extension of the Pondera Field, Paul P. Garding
An Investigation of a Dustless System of Dry Drilling, Norman J. Hardt
Effect of Recovery on the Recrystallized Grain-Size of High Purity Aluminum, Rodney L. Helterline
Polarography of Indium, John Jackson
Leaching as a Method of Mining Uranium, Rob L. Kane
The Placer Deposits of the Siberia District (German Gulch), Montana, Ronald D. Karvinen
The Design and Construction of an Electrolytic Cell for Aluminum Reduction, Thomas H. Melrose
Tungsten Mineralization at the Strawberry Mine, Pony, Montana, Robert L. Meyer
Design and Calibration of a Ferromagnetic Torsion Balance, Oliver W. Moen
Zinc Department Anaconda Reduction Works, Robert E. Morris
Beneficiation of Scheelite Ore from the Potosi Tungsten Mining District, James A. Ndulue
Application of the Rotary Principle to Underground Mucking, Walter J. Smit
Application of Amalgam Metallurgy to the Extraction of Indium, John Zelem
Theses/Reports from 1953
The Decomposition of Calcium Tungstate and Synthetic Scheelite with Hydrochloric Acid, Robert R. Beebe
The Effect of Germanium on the Current Efficiency in the Electrolysis of Pure Zinc Sulfate Solution, Keith R. Bock
A Study of the Beneficiation of Low-Grade Domestic Chromite, Darrell Edward Bodie
The Effect of Manganese on the Age Hardening of Aluminum-Copper Alloys, Keith P. Burgess
Fluorite Deposits in the Dry Creek District, Near Superior, Mineral County, Montana, Russell M. Corn
A Petrographic Analysis of the Basal Member of the Kootenai Formation, Frank E. Coupal
The Application of Electric Energy to the Metallurgy Plants in Montana, Edwin J. Duncan
The Construction and Operation of a Universal Specimen Mount with Protective Lead Shield for the Purpose of Determining Pole Figures using the Schulz-Decker Transmission Technique, Richard L. Fausner
The Flotation Concentration of a Complex Low-Grade Lead Zinc Ore, Edward James Fong
Metal Dust Production, James H. Foreman
The Lucky Hit Mine of Jefferson County, Montana, Bruce B. Goddard
Recrystallization of High Purity Aluminum, Virgil H. Griswold Jr.
Stratigraphy of Kootenai in Montana, B. B. Jarrett
Concentration of Tungsten Ore from the Potosi Mining District, Ted S. Jordan
The Indium-Mercury Constitutional Diagram, Bert E. Lake
The Precipitation of Calcium Tungstate from Sodium Tungstate Solution, Martin E. Messner
Oil Shales in Montana, Richard N. Miller
A Study of the Effects of the Chloride Ion on the Lead-Silver Anodes and on the Lead Tenor of the Zinc Deposit in Zinc Electrolysis, William A. Mitchell
Host Rocks and Gangue Minerals Associated with Copper Deposits in Plutonic Igneous Rocks, Richard D. Montgomery
Studies of Tempering Behavior of Steel X-9165 of N-A-X 9100 Series, James A. Ndulue
The Benefication of a Low-Grade, Montana Scheelite Ore, Walter G. Parker
The Orientation of Quartz Grains in Unconsolidated Beach Sands of San Luis Obispo County, California, David V. Pearson
Nonmetallic Mineral Resources of Montana (Except Fuels), F. L. Rytlewski
Geology of the Marget Ann Mine Butte District, Montana, Winston Martin Sahinen
Polarographic Determination of Germanium, Calvin Leo Stevenson
Theses/Reports from 1952
Flotation of Huebnerite, Henry Albright
The Effect of Iron Upon the Electrowinning of Copper with an Amalgam Electrode, John A. Alexander
The Construction of an X-Ray Camera, Emil Bazarnicki
The Occurrence of Molybdenite in the United States, Alaska, Canada, and Newfoundland, Richard W. Brummett
The Sedimentary Petrography of the Oil and Gas Producing Horizons in Montana, Patrick J. Donahue
The Accessory Minerals of some Granitic Rocks of the Boulder Batholith, Robert T. Donahue
The Birdie Mine Tungsten Deposit Butte Mining District, Silverbow County, Montana, Bernard A. Fahm
Electroplating of Chromium, Nickel and Copper Upon Titanium, Stanley O. Fong
An Attempted Determination of the Approximate Chemical Composition of the Livingston Volcanics by the Fused Bead Technique, Robert D. Geach
Protective Refractory Coatings on Titanium Metal, Eugene F. Gibbs
The Metallography of Aluminum Casting Alloys, Donald D. Goehler
The Immersion Coating of Indium upon Magnesium from Sulphate Solutions Containing Flourides, John J. Harrington
Variation of Induction and Hysteresis Curves for the Heusler Alloy, CU2MnA1, Ford W. Knight
An Investigation of the Hardening Properties of some Alpha Copper Indium Alloys, Charles W. McPherson
Electrowinning of Zinc by Mercury Cathode, Tor O. Notevarp
An Early Tertiary Stream Channel between Fish and Pipestone Creeks, Ten Miles West of Whitehall, Montana, Henry D. Olson
The Effect of Ferric Iron Upon the Current Efficiency and the Deposition of Copper in the Electrowinning of Copper from Copper Sulphate Solutions, James L. Owings
The Mechanical Production of Zinc Dust, Robert F. Payne
Dispersing Agents in the Pipette Method of Soil Analysis, Eugene W. Price
Geological Problems at Kerr Dam Lake County, Montana, Roger C. Rice
The Mechanical Production of Zinc Dust, Charles A. Schroer
Theses/Reports from 1951
Electrowinning with Amalgam Electrode, Ralph V. Anderson Jr.
Studies of Antimony Occurrence with Special Relation to its Effective Extraction, San Jose Antimony Mines, Wadley, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, J. C. Archibald Jr.
A Mineralogical Investigation of some Montana Hydrobiotites, John W. Baker
Faunal Studies of the Sappington Sandstone of Southwestern Montana, Howard E. Banta
A Determination of Reflectivity of Opaque Ore Minerals with a Weston II Light Meter, Louis L. Bergan
Microfauna of the Colorado Shale in the Sunburst Dome Area, Montana, Merle W. Emmert
Faunal Studies of the Lower Jefferson Limestones, James L. Eymann
The Gallium-Indium Constitutional Diagram, Richard E. Gaffney
Metal Production from Ore Deposits in Different Host Rocks in Montana, Robert F. Gale
Resistance of Solid Inconel to Attack by Liquid Indium, David C. Hendra
Geology of a Postulated Volcanic Vent Northeast of Whitehall, Montana, C. H. Hewitt and H. D. Olson
Chemical Analysis of Igneous Rocks and Variation Diagrams of Petrographic Provinces of Montana, Frederick M. Hilpert
The Groundwater of the Area North of Flathead Lake, Montana, Frederick M. Hilpert
A Listing of Montana Invertebrate Fossils and a Bibliography of Montana Paleontology, Robert G. Ingersoll
Polarographic Analysis Applied to Metallurgical Solutions and Products, Donald W. Johnson
A Microscopic Study of the Ore Minerals from the Mines in the Northern Part of the Zosell (Emery) Mining District, John P. Joyce
Sulphidizing of Cerussite, Emil A. Kovacevich
Production of Sponge Iron from Pyrites, Robert W. Leeson
The Electrolytic Purification of an Impure Cadmium Sulfate Solution with a Cell Utilizing a Mercury Cathode and a Lead Anode, W. D. McMaster
Electro-Galvanizing from a Purified Ammonium Sulphate Leach of Anaconda Zinc Calcine, Phillip J. Mischkot Jr.
The Occurrences of Non-Metallic Minerals in Montana, Samuel T. Mitchell
Mineralogy of the Silver King Mine of Park City, Utah, Pierce D. Parker
Possible Mineral Resources University Land Grant, Montana School of Mines Lands, Eugene S. Perry
Possible Mineral Resources University Land Grant, Montana State College Lands, Eugene S. Perry
Possible Mineral Resources University Land Grant, Montana State University Lands, Eugene S. Perry
Possible Mineral Resources University Land Grant, Western Montana College of Education, Eugene S. Perry
The Influence of Copper Upon the Age Hardening Properties of Steel, Andre Rey