Theses/Reports from 1947
An Investigation of a Particular Weldment Failure, Byron Clow
A Geological Report on Several Localities in the Northwestern Tobacco Root Mountains, Rudi Forhan
Upper Cretaceous Sediment in Montana, Frank J. Frankovich
The Corrosion Resistance of Iron-Tin Compacts as Produced by Powder Metallurgy, Robert W. Gambill
Laboratory Model Shaking Table; An Investigation of Defects and Suggested Improvements, George C. Horak
Distribution and Lithology of Sedimentary Rocks in Montana and Adjacent Areas, Harold Kentta
Occurrence of Native Copper Near Jefferson City, Montana, Terence G. Kirkland
Glaciation in Montana, Alvin H. Lense
The Problem of the Tensleep Sandstone, George D. McCarthy
Corrosion Testing of Iron-Tin Alloys by the Salt Spray Method, Bernard T. McDonald
Mayflower, Renova Basin, and South Boulder Creek Areas, Howard Nickelson
Electro-Deposition of Iron from a Chloride Bath, Charles W. Noon
Geology of a Kyanite Deposit Near Ennis, Montana, Clarence L. Nordstrom
Rugose Corals of the Madison Group, William R. Paine
Insoluble Residues of Five Sections of the Amsden Formation, Wilmer R. Peterson
The Geology and Ore Deposits of the Ruby Gulch Mine, Henry J. Roletto and John X. Combo
General Geology and Mines of Northwestern Montana, Robert L. Sandvig
Kibbey Sandstone in Montana, Glen Shean
Geology and Mines of the Upper Blackfoot Valley, Montana, Thomas K. Shea
The Anodic Polishing of Copper in Solutions of Orthophosphoric Acid, Robert E. Sullivan
Theses/Reports from 1946
An Investigation Into the Adaption of the Induction Furnace for Determining the Equilibrim Diagram of the System Cu2S-FeS, John R. Cole
A Preliminary Investigation of the Hydrometallurgy of Philipsburg Manganese, W. L. Goodman
Economic Talc Deposits of Montana and Related Firing Problems, Charles J. Lyden
Theses/Reports from 1945
Permability and Porosity of Devonian Dolomites in Northwestern Montana, Jack W. Nordquist
Vermiculite, Occurence, Character, and Concentration of Mineral from the Pony District, Madison County, Montana, A. Saterdal
Theses/Reports from 1944
Production of Iron-Tin Compacts by Powder Metallurgy and a Synopsis of their Principle Properties, Matt C. Andrews
Fluorite Near Silver Bow, Montana, Charles V. Campbell
Electroplating of Chromium upon a Nickel Plated Magnesium Alloy, Harmel Dawson
The Incompatibility of Certain Alcohol and Soap Frothers, John Thomas Doherty
The Electrodeposition of Copper-Cobalt Alloys, Richard L. Dunn
An Isopach Map and Discussion of the Marine Jurassic of Western United Sates and Canada, John H. Ferry
Hardness and Electrical Resistivity of Copper-Iron Powder Metal Compacts, Fred A. Foyle Jr.
Methods of Determining Porosity and Spatter Losses of Arc Welds, Campbell W. F. Funk
The Electrodeposition of Iron-Manganese Alloys, Raymond D. Magorien
The Solubility of Zinc Ethyl Xanthate in Water, Thomas M. McKenzie
Age Hardening of Copper Antimony Alloys, William R. Stern
Hydrogen Overvoltage of Cadmium Bismuth and Antimony Bismuth Alloys, Edwin W. Stevens
Theses/Reports from 1943
Zinc Plating Magnesium, Howard Wilbur Adam
Coal in Montana, Clifford A. Barkell
Spectrographic Analysis of Montana Limestones, Clifford A. Barkell
Permeability and Porosity Studies of the Cut Bank Oil Sand, Wesley Edward Davis
The Electrodeposition of Chromium from Trivalent Salt Solutions, Bahri Ersoz
Concentration by Flotation of a Complex Galena - Sphalerite - Chalcopyrite Ore from the Nine Mile District Near Missoula, Montana, Truxton J. Fisher and John L. Tokich
The Effect of Boron on the Hardenability of Steel, William J. Foy
Geology and Occurence of Graphite at the Crystal Graphite Mine Near Dillon, Montana, Charles K.W. Hum Hum
Bright Electroplating of Copper in the Acid Bath, Elwood K. Jensen
An Attempt to Increase the Permeability and Porosity of the Cut Bank Oil Sand By Treatment with Various Reagents, Donald H. Johnson
Electrolytic Deposition of Iron, Irving M. Kenoffel
Flotation of a Complex Sulphide Ore Containing Tetrahedrite, James C. O'Dea and Lorimer W. Hoar
The Electrodeposition of Iron-Manganese Alloys, Earl C. Roberts
Electrolytic Manganese from Aqueous Sodium Manganate Solution, William F. Sullaway
Theses/Reports from 1942
The Anodic Oxidation of Vanadium in Phosphoric Acid Solution, Ben H. Alexander
Helena and Ennis Talc Deposits, Howard N. Anderson
An Experimental Investigation of the Age Hardening of Nickel with Boron, Willard M. Boam
The Beneficiation of Montana Silver Star Chromite Ore, Edwin J. Bride
Stratigraphic Studies of the Ordovician and Devonian Formations Throughout the Northwest Plains Area, Walter N. Campbell
The Velocity of Falling Particles in a Liquid Medium, Elliott Coldwater
The Recovery of Zinc from Butte Mine Waters, Edmond M. Fern
Electrical Resistivity Measurements of Powder Metal Compacts, John M. Fitzpatrick
Polishing Mineral Specimens by the Use of an Optical Polishing Machine, Wilbur J. Guay
Report of Investigation on the Physical Characteristics of the Oil Sands from the Cut Bank Field, Montana, V. E. Hanes
Mineral Occurences in Certain Pegmatite Dikes in Southwestern Montana, Jacob N. Jovick
Upper Mississippian Faunas of Western Montana, James King
Mineralogy and Genesis of the Vermiculite Deposits at Libby, Montana, Raymond Kujawa
Geologic Field Mapping in an Area Eight Miles North of Three Forks, Montana, H. E. Lillis
Geology of Iron Deposits at Princeton Montana and Economic Aspects of Iron Ore in Montana, Carl Lind
Insoluble Residues of the Lower Mississippian Limestones of the Madison Group, Fred G. Lines
The Application of a Laboratory Induction Furnace to the Selective Smelting of a Montana Chromite Concentrate, James H. McMahon
Porosity and Oil Absorption Properties of Metal Compacts of Copper - Tin - Graphite, Benjamin F. Mills
An Investigation of the Age-Hardening of Copper with Nickel-Boron Compounds, Robert I. Moreen
The Determination of Aluminum in the Presence of Manganese and Iron by the Use of a Mercury Cathode, William R. Opie
Sizing by Elutriation of Finely Ground Quartz and Pyrite, Elmer C. Polson
Age Hardening of Copper-Aluminum Alloy Castings, Frank Randall
Induction Furnace Smelting of Montana Chromite, Millard L. Reyner
Some Leaching Characteristics of the Butte Rhodochrosite, W. L. Slosson
Chromite Deposits Near Red Lodge and Silver Star, Montana, Edmond F. Smigel
Refining of Low Grade Zinc-Gold Precipitates, John C. Stentz
An Investigation into the Recovery of Indium from Fume Residue, Emery J. Turner
Testing and Concentration of a Low Grade Gold Ore from Marysville, Montana, John B. White, Jr.
An Investigation of the Ores of the Big Seven Mine, Neihart, Montana, Francis L. Wilson
A Study of the Dissolution of Pyrolusite in Sulphuric Acid, John J. Worsdell
The Effects of Some Percentages of Nickel on the Annealing of Cartridge Brass, A. Edward Zezula
Theses/Reports from 1941
The Investigation of Different Variables in the Assaying of Silver Cyanide Solutions, Phillip L. Banfield
Some Chromite Deposits in Madison County, Montana, Russell H. W. Chadwick
Some Preliminary Investiagtions of the Magnetic Permeabilities of Alloys of the Ferromagnetic Metals, John H. Gambill Jr.
A Study of a Carbonaceous Gold Ore, James S. Huckaba
The Concentration of Scheelite from the Gold Concentrates of the Jardine Mining Company, John H. Huxley
The Testing and Concentration of Lake Chelan Copper Ore, Thor W. Johnson
The Geology and Ore Deposits of the Ermont Mines, James L. Kelly
An Experimental Investigation of the Age Hardening of Copper with Manganese Silicide, Ali Kozak
Gas Analysis by Absorption, Albert D. McMahon
Some Investigations on Quantitative Measurement of Amalgamation, Charles Moore
Ground Water in the Lake Basin Field and Adjacent Area, Herman Neibauer
Measurements of the Magnetic Permeabilities of the Iron-Manganese Alloy System Prepared by the Methods of Powder Metallurgy, O. Cihad Onbulak
Some Effects of the Addition of Tellurium to Lead Alloys, Selim Ozsahin
Relationships of Manganese Minerals in the Butte District, Charles F. Parent
The Electroformation of Lithium-Lead Alloys from Molten Electrolytes, Thomas Prater
Pegmatites in Southwestern Montana, Ora Rostad
Oil and Gas Production Methods in Montana, Edgar A. Scholz
A Study of the Concentration of a Low-Grade Manganese Ore from the Ennis District, John B. Schuettenhelm