Theses/Reports from 1934
The Effect of Impurities on the Electrodeposition of Zinc from Zinc Sulfate Solution Containing Antimony., Emmitt L. Klebba
Auriferous Tertiary Gravels Near Rocker, in Silver Bow County, Montana, William C. McLaughlin
Supergene Enrichment of Silver Ores with Special Reference to those from Neihart, Montana., Thomas Walker Page
Alloys of Lead and Tellurium, Ettore A. Peretti
Roasting and Leaching Bulk Copper-Zinc Sulfide Concentrates with the Subsequent Recovery of the Metals by Electrolysis, Carl Wesley Sawyer
Geology and Ore Deposits of the Butte-Highland Gold Mine., Stockton Veazey Jr.
Theses/Reports from 1933
The Electrical Resistance of Metals in their Hard and Soft States, Eugene A. Avery
Leaching Copper Minerals in the Butte District, Kenneth C. Bellows
The Calcite Veins of the Livingston Formation, John Moore Conrow
Quantitative Microscope Study of the Flotation Products of the Anaconda Copper Concentrator, A. M. Gaudin and H. B. Henderson
A Microscopic Study of some Volcanic Rocks in the Vicinity of Butte, Evan Gustafson
A Study of Montana Bentonite, William P. Ryan
The Leaching of Electrodeposition of Iron, Emmett G. Simmons
Effect of Impurities upon Current Efficiency in the Electrolysis of Zinc Sulphate Solution, Robert Jess Smith
A Study of the Composition of Zinc Complex Cyanide Solutions by the Conductometric Method, Robert James Woody
Theses/Reports from 1932
The Electrolytic Deposition of Chromium Upon Aluminum, E. Fults and L. D. Voerge
The Recovery of Copper in Sulphide Ores by Roasting, Leaching, and Electrolysis, Jack S. Greenough
Joint Planes in the Rhyolites of the Butte District, Montana, John B. Hopkins
A Bentonite Deposit near Warm Springs, Montana, R. H. Larson
The Effect of the Fe2: Fe3 Ratio upon the Current Efficiency in the Electrolysis of a Copper Sulfate Solution Containing Iron Sulfate, Roy MacFarland
Some Notes on the Composition of "Copper Pitch", Richard R. Matthew
The Rate of Precipitation of Copper Aluminide in the Silver Rich Silver-Copper-Aluminum Alloys, Thomas Finley McBride
The Effect of Hydrogen Overvoltage on the Electrolytic Deposition of Zinc, John M. Munzenrider and Kenneth O. Sweeney
The Aplitic Body Bordering Roosevelt Drive South of Butte, Montana, Edward B. Trueworthy Jr.
Theses/Reports from 1931
Some Early Geologists and Their Work in Montana, John E. Blixt
Age Relationships of Ore Deposits of Southwestern Montana (A Microscopic Study), Charles R. Trueworthy
Preliminary Construction of a Photo-Electric Cell Concentrator, Stanley S. Williams
Theses/Reports from 1930
The Electrical Resistance of Metals and Alloys in Their Hard and Soft States, Noah David Gerchesvky and Charles Becker Hoskins
Comparison of Moe's Scale of Hardness with the Rockwell, Brinell, and Scaleroscope Scales., Herbert William Hard
Constitution and Specific Gravity of the Ternary Mattes Cu2S-Sb2S3-PbS, Herbert William Hard
Pipes in Steel Ingots as Exemplified by Casting Wax, Herbert William Hard
The Effect of Cobalt Upon Current Efficiency in the Electrolysis of Zinc Sulphate Solutions, Joseph Newton and Louis Sanders Nuckols
Theses/Reports from 1929
Constitution and Specific Gravity of the Ternary Mattes Cu2S-FeS-PbS., William Earl Lindlief and John Otto Groh
The Effect of the Cu:Fe''' Ratio Upon the Current Efficiency in the Electrolysis of a Copper Sulfate Solution Containing Iron Sulfate, Joseph Thomas Roy and Francis Carroll Moran
The Chromite Deposits of Stillwater and Sweetgrass Counties, Montana, Uuno Sahinen
Theses/Reports from 1928
Geological Report of Summer Field Trip 1928, Clarence A. Corry and Marcus McCanna