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Another year has passed and in passing has recorded much in accomplishment, in progress, in change of status. For each of you the record is different, but for all of you there has been the satisfaction of living in a dynamic era.

This past year has been one of improved organization, improved understanding, and a marked revitalization of the ASSM in its role of student government. The student council can feel justly proud of its many accomplishments in the interest of the students on our campus. Such accomplishments don't just happen; they are created through hard work and attention to the many problems wanting solution. Boys grow into men under the stress of responsibility.

This Magma forms a partial history of the year just concluded, that part which deals with people, classes, organizations, and activities. It is a book you will cherish for the rest of your lives; it will be fondly reviewed countless times as the years pass following graduation, each time bringing back in sharp retrospect the year 1957-58 at Montana School of Mines.

To the Seniors I wish bon voyage. Remember always, wherever you go, whatever you do, your Alma Mater is proud of your attainments and holds you dear in its heart.

Publication Date

Spring 1958




Magma, School of Mines, Butte, Montana, 1958

Streaming Media

Magma 1958
