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To the Students of Montana School of Mines:
Here is your MAGMA, still warm from the heat of formation and containing here and there some rich veins and remarkable products of magmatic segregation and differentiation. May it always remind you of happy days, good friends, and satisfying accomplishment! Montana Mines alumni have always been noted for their ability to "pull together" for their school. It's a good idea to keep this book with you as you travel about the world in professional work. Not only will it serve as a directory of school friends; it will also be useful when you want to tell others about your alma mater.
Best wishes for your future!
Publication Date
Spring 1956
Magma, School of Mines, Butte, Montana, 1956
Recommended Citation
Associated Students of the Montana State School of Mines., "Magma 1956" (1956). Magma 1948-1997. 29.