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The 1953 Annual is proudly dedicated to the past fifty years of meritorious service, which has been the by-word of the "Mines" since that first graduating class of 1903. That year the school had one building and a one-man graduating class. Since then, in order to meet the exigencies of a technological society, it has grown to the creditable dimensions of eight major buildings, and is well known over the world as one of the finest institutions of its kind. Never before, in a fifty-year period of history, has a nation seen such an astounding increase in the need for engineers trained in the mineral field. With world peace so dim in the future, survival has become the motivating force of our mineral industry. It is our hope that in the future, as in the past, the Montana School of Mines will grow with the industry, and that the next fifty years will prove as fruitful as the last.
Publication Date
Spring 1953
Magma, School of Mines, Butte, Montana, 1953
Recommended Citation
Associated Students of the Montana State School of Mines., "Magma 1953" (1953). Magma 1948-1997. 19.