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Alpine Plants, Climate Change, Glacier National Park, New Zealand, Scotland, environment, biology, Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments, GLORIA project
The first part of the lecture details a study of how receding glaciers and snowfields in Montana, New Zealand and Scotland affect the alpine plants that grow along and near their edges. Measuring and monitoring techniques are included.
The second part describes the Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments (GLOBAL) whose purpose is "to establish and maintain a world-wide long-term observation network in alpine environments. Vegetation and temperature data collected at the GLORIA sites will be used for discerning trends in species diversity and temperature."
Recommended Citation
Apple, Ph.D., Martha E., "Alpine Plants and Climate Change in Glacier National Park, New Zealand and Scotland" (2013). Public Lecture Series. 3.
Dr. Apple is an Associate Professor in the Biological Sciences Department at Montana Tech.