
Modern Electron Microscopy: A Nanolab Rather Than an Electron Optical Instrument

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Publication Date

Spring 4-4-2019


Spectacular advances in electromagnetic lens design conquer spherical aberration and push image resolution to picometers for electron microscopy. As a side benefit, the pole gap size can increase and high resolution can be achieved over a large sample volume. Consequently one can measure electrical, optical, mechanical and magnetic properties at different temperatures and conditions making the TEM a “Nano laboratory.” This talk will show examples of research in operando on different nanomaterials, including nano-plasmonic materials, nanoparticles, and radiation sensitive samples.

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Miguel José Yacamán received his Ph.D. from the National University of México (UNAM) in 1973 and did postdoctoral research at Oxford University and NASA Ames Research Center. He was a faculty member at UNAM for 35 years. In 2000, he joined the University of Texas (UT) at Austin as an endowed professor, moving to UT at San Antonio in 2008 as department chair and Lutcher Brown Professor of Physics. Yacaman is considered a pioneer of Nanotechnology, contributing to the understanding of nanoparticle structures. He has published more than 570 scientific papers, written or edited eight books, has an H-factor of 66, and received many awards nationally and internationally.
