Document Type

Radio Commentary


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Publication Date

Winter 2-3-2020

Streaming Media

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Homeground Radio broadcast from February 3, 2020. According to host and interviewer Brian Kahn: “So much is happening in today’s world that it’s hard to remember what came before. A good example is Montana’s 1972 Constitution -- and what it meant for democracy in our state. Evan Barrett doesn’t want us to forget.” In this discussion, Evan Barrett discusses the Montana history recorded in his “In the Crucible of Change” video series about the progressive changes that occurred in the period from 1965 to 1980.

Homeground Radio is a production of Artemus Common Ground and is public domain material.

The interview can be heard here.


Evan Barrett, who lives in historic Uptown Butte, retired several years ago after 47 years at the top level of Montana government, politics, economic development and education. He is an award-winning producer of Montana history films who continues to assist with community development, write columns and record commentaries, and occasionally teach Montana history.
