"The Walking Stick: Technical Communication on the Journey of Creating " by Sara Schaefer

Date of Award

Fall 2019

Degree Type

Non-Thesis Project

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Committee Chair

Glen Southergill

First Advisor

Chad Okrusch

Second Advisor

Luke Buckley


The Walking Stick project is intended to create a community for people who want to travel; experience authentic, local cultures; and share their journeys and discoveries of what the world has to offer with the motive of inspiring others to also experience “genuine” travel (that is, not just snapping selfies at tourist trap destinations). Through this methodology document the explanation of how technical communication tools were used to create a community will be viewed. The inspiration of the project covers personal travels and how the travels inspired the mission statement, and a code of ethics for the specific community that focuses on authentic travel. The literature review analyzes the history of walking, and how walking affects people today. The literature then goes through important design aspects of creating visuals that communicate to a specific audience. These communications go through creating social networks appropriately for the audience to want to feel as if they belong and have a purpose in the community. The research comes together to help guide the creation of a product for a community to be able to connect with other members through a website, social media, and unique visual symbol that encourages the members to travel in an authentic way. The research and creation will answer a question of why it is important for travelers to have a goal to remain as a genuine traveler with the help from visual designs intended for the specific community. Once the intended project is reviewed the plans for the future of the project is introduce to create excitement of a new and unique community.


A non-thesis project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Technical Communication

Included in

Communication Commons
