Date of Award

Winter 2018

Degree Type

Non-Thesis Project

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Committee Chair

Chad Okrusch

First Advisor

Scott Risser

Second Advisor

Nick Hawthorne


The objective of this project was to identify measurable factors that contribute to the quality and effectiveness of training and education in a virtual reality environment. The second objective was to develop a VR application using the Oculus Rift head mounted display and hand controllers to present high resolution 360° video with cumulative multi-choice challenges to create a mental state of flow, immersion, and a suspension of disbelief. Finally, this document represents a guideline on how to produce virtual reality education and training content with a real-world example of the process from research, design, production and use.


Project Report submitted as part of the requirements for the degree of M.S. Technical Communication
