Date of Award

Fall 2017

Degree Type

Publishable Paper

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Committee Chair

Mohamed Khalil

First Advisor

Glenn Shaw

Second Advisor

Marvin Speece


Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), Spontaneous Potential (SP), Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) and Seismic Refraction Tomography methods have been used to provide valuable information on the seepage pathways leading to dewatering of Lolo Creek and the subsurface lithology of the area. Results from the MASW and seismic refraction tomography studies show a bedrock elevation of about 35 m close to Highway 93 and about 27 m at the end of the 288 m East-West seismic line running through Lewis and Clark Drive. ERT results show a shallow high resistive geolectric layer underlain by low resistive layers. The Eocene bedrock (mylonite) was found to have low resistivity between 180-400 Ωm. A geologic fault was inferred in a 360 m East-West ERT profile. SP measurements around the inferred fault indicate a zone of infiltration, with SP values between -18 mV to -2 mV. A 1D depth velocity profile obtained from MASW survey located close to East-West ERT profile, indicates a low velocity subsurface between 0-39 m, which is interpreted to be fractured bedrock. This fractured shallow bedrock and associated fault work as a seepage path from the shallow to deep aquifer and could possibly account for dewatering of the Creek during low flow periods in the late-summer.
