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The research described in this presentation is part of the Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments (GLORIA) whose purpose is to establish and maintain a global, long-term observation network in alpine environments.

Despite changes in mountaintop-vegetation due to recent climate change being observed throughout the world, trends are not consistent. Moreover, as plant communities can be impacted by several different factors, it is important to be able to separate what is due to climate change and what is due to e.g. changes in grazing pressure (see additional file below).


Jarle Inge Holten and Sverre Lundemo conduct research on alpine plants in the context of climate change and have an extensive network of field sites where they incorporate gradients of altitude, latitude, climate, and topography into their studies. They are part of the GLORIA research program, which is a global network of sites established on alpine summits for long term monitoring of the responses of alpine plants to climate change. Jarle Inge Holten was a lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, for which the IPCC and Al Gore shared a Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.

GLORIA slope approach - synopsis from presentation Montana Tech.pdf (6 kB)
Synopsis of the GLORIA slope approach
