Date of Award
Spring 5-2-1958
Degree Type
Bachelors Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering
First Advisor
Doctor C.W. Haynes
Second Advisor
Professor R.I. Smith
The current efficiency during the electrolysis of zinc sulfate solution and the various factors that effect the current efficiency are major considerations of this industrial process. The factors affecting current efficiency-- temperature, current density, presence of impurities, time of electrolysis, hydrogen overvoltage, smoothness of the deposit, and acid concentration of the cell solution-- are controlled to the extent that current efficiencies of 90-93% are not uncommon in the industrial electrolytic zinc process. However, additional investigations of the effects of these various factors upon current efficiency are warranted, because of the endless search by the non-ferrous metal industries for additional information relating to the electrolyzing process in zinc hydrometallurgy. The author presents in this paper the results of an experimental investigation of the effects of acid concentration on the current efficiency during the electrolysis of zinc sulfate solution.
Recommended Citation
Langfeldt, Jon, "The Effects of Acid Concentration on the Current Efficiency during the Electrolysis of Zinc Sulfate Solution" (1958). Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970. 496.