Content Posted in 2013
A Bentonite Deposit near Warm Springs, Montana, R. H. Larson
Age Hardening of Silver-Platinum Alloys, Robert A. Wilson
Age Relationships of Ore Deposits of Southwestern Montana (A Microscopic Study), Charles R. Trueworthy
Alkali Leaching of Antimony Sulphide and Electrolytic Recovery of Antimony from the Resulting Leach Solution, Vincent J. Andrews
Alloys of Lead and Tellurium, Ettore A. Peretti
Alpine Plants and Climate Change in Glacier National Park, New Zealand and Scotland, Martha E. Apple, Ph.D.
A MEMS Light Modulator Based on Diffractive Nanohole Gratings, Jack L. Skinner, A. Alec Talin, and David A. Horsley
A Metallographic Study of Primitive Copper Work., John A. Alley
A Metallurgical Study of Gold Ores, Alfred A. Bloom
A Microscopic Study of some Volcanic Rocks in the Vicinity of Butte, Evan Gustafson
Ammoniacal Sulphate Leach of Ananconda Zinc Calcine Recovery of the Zinc by Electrolysis., Authur Jewett Bovee Jr.
Amphibian Biodiversity Survey - Wetland Area Southwest of Montana Tech, Trace Forkan, Siobhan Wock, Cody Doyle, and Joyce Wilhelm
An Investigation of the Properties of some of the White Metal Alloys, William James Walsh Jr.
A Preliminary Study of Montana Copper - Nickel Ore, J. Argall McAllister
A Preliminary Study of the Micro-Fauna of Certain Paleozoic Formations of Montana, George Powe
A Preliminary Study of the Ostracoda of the Big Snowy Group, Mississippian, of Montana., John C. Rabbitt
A Rapid Determination of Small Amounts of Lead in Zinc, George T. Hanson
Archeological Investigations at the Big Creek Lake Site (24RA34), Lynn Barry Fredlund
Areal Geology of the Post-Paleozoic Surface of the Northwest Plains, William M. Broderick
Assisting a Local Animal Shelter, J. J. Potvin and Jim Strande
A Study and Application of the Process of Supergene Enrichment of Silver Ores., Arthur C. Verling
A Study of Metallic Eutectics, Robert P. Corbett
A Study of Montana Bentonite, William P. Ryan
A Study of Solders, John D. Prater
A Study of the Composition of Zinc Complex Cyanide Solutions by the Conductometric Method, Robert James Woody
A Study of the Concentration of a Copper-Zinc Ore., Kenneth L. M. Dodd
A Study of the Effect of Oxygen on the Rate of Dissolution of Gold in Cyanide Solutions., John A. Cook
A Study on the Origin of Banded Agate, James E. Driscoll
Attempted Proofs of the Differentiation of Magmas by Syntexis, Clifford Wendel
Auriferous Tertiary Gravels Near Rocker, in Silver Bow County, Montana, William C. McLaughlin
Building Up: A history of Montana Tech Library 1900 - 2006, Ann F. St. Clair
Colloidal Nano-apatite Particles with Active Luminescent and Magentic Properties for Biotechnology Applications, Rajendra Kasinath and Kumar Ganesan
Comparison of Moe's Scale of Hardness with the Rockwell, Brinell, and Scaleroscope Scales., Herbert William Hard
Computational and Biochemical Approaches to Molecular Epidemiology, Michael Calhoun; Hannah Dysinger; David Hobbs, Ph.D.; and Katie Hailer, Ph.D.
Concept Fire Truck, Breanna Biegler
Conodonts from the Quadrant Shales of Montana, Don R. Cubbage
Constitution and Specific Gravity of the Ternary Mattes Cu2S-FeS-PbS., William Earl Lindlief and John Otto Groh
Constitution and Specific Gravity of the Ternary Mattes Cu2S-Sb2S3-PbS, Herbert William Hard
Contact Metamorphism in the Highlands, Frank Trask Jr.
Copper Commando Index – vol. 1, Anaconda Copper Company [?]
Copper Commando Index – vol. 2, Anaconda Copper Company [?]
Copper Commando Index – vol. 3, Anaconda Copper Company [?]
Copper Commando Index - volumes 1, 2, and 3, Anaconda Copper Company [?]
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 1, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 10, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 11, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 12, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 13, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 14, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 15, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 16, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 17, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 18, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 19, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 2, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 20, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 21, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 22, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 23, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 24, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 25, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 26, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 3, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 4, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 5, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 6, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 7, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 8, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 3, no. 9, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 4, no. 1, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Copper Commando - vol. 4, no. 2, Victory Labor-Management Production Committees of Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls
Create Your Poster; Brainstorm Research Projects, Ms. Hayden and Dr. Hilary Risser
Creating Lakes from Open Pit Mines: Processes and Considerations, Emphasis on Northern Environments, Christopher H. Gammons, Les N. Harris, James M. Castro, Peter A. Cott, and Bruce W. Hanna
Descriptive Statistics and Linear Regression, Dr. Laurie Battle
Effect of Impurities upon Current Efficiency in the Electrolysis of Zinc Sulphate Solution, Robert Jess Smith
Effect of Manganese and Arsenic upon Current Efficiency in the Deposition of Zinc from Zinc Sulphate Solution, Justin Kelly
Effects of Enhanced Oil Recovery on Production Engineers, Elm Coulee Field, Bakken Reservoir, Richland County, Montana, Burt J. Todd, Ph.D.; John Evans; Leo Heath; and David Reichhardt
Electrical Circuits at Montana Tech, John L. Morrison, Ph.D.
Electrolysis of Molten Mixtures of Galena and Lead Chloride., Donald Q. Cole
Electrolytic Manganese, George T. Derana
Electrolytic Recovery of Copper and Zinc from Brass, D. H. Swank
Electrolytic Recovery of Copper and Zinc from Brass., V. Kent Loughran
Electrolytic Recovery of Copper and Zinc from Brasses, Thomas Barker Jr.
Engineers Without Borders El Salvador Project, Patrick Jentz
Exploring the World's Largest ERP Implementation: the Role of ERP in Strategic Alignment, D. Lance Revenaugh, Ph.D. and Tyler S. Cook
Geological Report of Summer Field Trip 1928, Clarence A. Corry and Marcus McCanna
Geology and Ore Deposits of the Butte-Highland Gold Mine., Stockton Veazey Jr.
Geology and Ore Deposits of the Golden Era and Goldfinch Mines, Argenta Mining District, Montana., Glenn C. Johnston
Geology and Ore Deposits of the Golden Messenger MIne, Lewis and Clark County, Helena, Montana., John C. Archibald Jr.
Geology and Ore Deposits of the Jardine Mining District, Park County, Montana, Douglas M. Dowell
Geology of a Portion of the Bull Mountain Range Jefferson County, Montana, Thomas A. Greene
Geology of some Gold Deposits of Montana, Leo Edwin Efraimson
Geology of the Golden Sunlight Mine and Vicinity, Roy H. Earhart
GLORIA Slope Approach - Monitoring Plant Community Changes in Mountain Ecosystems, Jarle I. Holten, Dr.Philos. and Sverre Lundemo, Ph.D.
Has "Omnics" Gone Viral?, Brian Bothner, Ph.D.
Health Care Cost Analysis, Dr. Charie Faught
Healthcare Costs: How Much Could a Hospital Make on Outlier Patients in Montana?, Carlee Johnson and Katelyn Verlanic
Healthcare Outlier Payment Costs, Student Alyssa and Student Kenzie
Highlands College Students' Driving Habits, Cory Doto-Dyer and Paul Clark
Historic Preservation at Nevada City, Montana, Paul Hart
How to Create Posters, Ms. Vanessa Hayden
Igneous Rocks of the Jardine and Crevasse Mountain Mining Districts., Ray E. Gilbert
Investigation of a Method for Extraction of Indium from Zinc Flue Dust., Harold L. Tanner
Investigations Concerning Bentonite Deposits Near Ramsay, Montana, Anton A. Anjel and John F. Sullivan
Joint Planes in the Rhyolites of the Butte District, Montana, John B. Hopkins
Leaching Copper Minerals in the Butte District, Kenneth C. Bellows
Linear and Piecewise Functions, Dr. Laurie Battle
Magnesium - Tellurium by Powder Methods, George Gale
Meet Your Professors, Dr. Laurie Battle and Dr. Hilary Risser
Microscopic Study of Montana Silver Ores., Edwin Johnson
Montana Oil Fields, Conrad F. Lundgren
Multiphase Screen Development, Chris Tarrant
Naming a Mountain Peak - Montana Tech Peak, Jon Craig and Larissa Watson
Occurrence and Origin of Placer Gold in Montana, John K. Halse
Open Tour of Poster Session, Create Math Students
Organic Wastewater Chemicals in Silver Bow Creek - Butte to Warm Springs Ponds, Heidi Reid; Katie Hailer, Ph.D.; and Steve Parker, Ph.D.
Panelist Presentations & Q&A, Ronda Coguill, Courtney McKee, Katie Hailer, Bev Hartline, Ke Wu, and Jeanne Larson
Parental Abuse, Risky Behavior and Psychopathic Traits in Adolescents and Early Adults, M P. Chorney; J M. Reistad; and Scott Risser, Ph.D.
Pavement Engineering Problem, Dr. Yan Qi
Pipes in Steel Ingots as Exemplified by Casting Wax, Herbert William Hard
Poster Session Set Up, Dr. Hilary Risser and Dr. Laurie Battle
Powder Metallurgy, Cecil R. Waldron
Power and Politics in Organizations, T. W. Camm
Precipitation of Gold, Silver, and Copper from Cyanide Solutions on Activated Charcoal., Rayworth Francis Howe
Preliminary Construction of a Photo-Electric Cell Concentrator, Stanley S. Williams
Preliminary Floatation Tests on the Beneficiation of a Low-Grade Montana Bituminous Coal., William Packwood Given
Restoring the Richard's Cabin - Nevada City Living History Museum, Paul Hart
Roasting and Leaching Bulk Copper-Zinc Sulfide Concentrates with the Subsequent Recovery of the Metals by Electrolysis, Carl Wesley Sawyer
Seafloor to Summit: The Birth of Everest, Dave Lageson, Ph.D.
Secondary Enrichment of Copper at the Madison Gold Skarn Deposit, Silver Star District, Montana, Christopher H. Gammons, Jill Sotendahl, and Dan Everett
Signals and Systems at Montana Tech, John L. Morrison Ph.D.
Siliceous Sponge Spicules of the Quadrant Formation from Montana., Lester Zeihen
Social Networking Charts, Student Alyssa and Student Kenzie
Social Networking: How to Build Social Networks, Katelyn Verlanic and Carlee Johnson
Social Network Problem, Dr. Hilary Risser
Social Networks Analysis, Dr. Hilary Risser
Software Engineering Education Needs More Engineering, A. Frank Ackerman, Ph.D. and Sushil Acharua, D.Eng.
Some Early Geologists and Their Work in Montana, John E. Blixt
Some Notes on the Composition of "Copper Pitch", Richard R. Matthew
South Moccasin Kaolin Deposit, Walter Everly
Space Utilization for the Boulder Cemetery, Ray Woods, Aaron Peters, Bill Rees, and Jacob Schutz
Structure of Eutectics, Dilip K. Das
Students Helping Students, PJ Bonney, Tyler Cahoon, Tyson Dippold, Paul Hart, JJ Potvin, Jim Strande, Billy Walker, and Keith West
Study and Correlation of Belt and Cambrian Arkoses near Limespur, Montana, Ryan C. McNamee
Supergene Enrichment of Silver Ores with Special Reference to those from Neihart, Montana., Thomas Walker Page
The ABEGHHK'tH Resolution, S. James Gates Jr., Ph.D.
The Age Hardening of Copper with Manganese Silicide., Gordon A. Davis
The Age-Hardening of Duralumin, Allison Richard Dyer
The Age Hardening of Silver with Copper-Silicide, Joseph Edward Shaw
The Aplitic Body Bordering Roosevelt Drive South of Butte, Montana, Edward B. Trueworthy Jr.
The Application of Laser-Ablation Split-Stream ICP Petrochronology to Metamorphic Studies, Julia Baldwin, Ph.D.
The Calcite Veins of the Livingston Formation, John Moore Conrow
The Chromite Deposits of Stillwater and Sweetgrass Counties, Montana, Uuno Sahinen
The Control of the Grain Size of Tin., Robert D. Macdonald
The Control of the Grain Size of ZInc., Oswald J. Wick
The Deposition of Monomolecular Films., Albert Wilbur Schlechten
The Effect of Cobalt Upon Current Efficiency in the Electrolysis of Zinc Sulphate Solutions, Joseph Newton and Louis Sanders Nuckols
The Effect of Hydrogen Overvoltage on the Electrolytic Deposition of Zinc, John M. Munzenrider and Kenneth O. Sweeney
The Effect of Impurities on the Electrodeposition of Zinc from Zinc Sulfate Solution Containing Antimony., Emmitt L. Klebba
The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Dissolution of Gold in Cyanide Solutions which have a Constant Oxygen Content., Robert Currie
The Effect of the Cu:Fe''' Ratio Upon the Current Efficiency in the Electrolysis of a Copper Sulfate Solution Containing Iron Sulfate, Joseph Thomas Roy and Francis Carroll Moran
The Effect of the Fe2: Fe3 Ratio upon the Current Efficiency in the Electrolysis of a Copper Sulfate Solution Containing Iron Sulfate, Roy MacFarland
The Effects of Lime on the Amalgamation of Gold., Rollien R. Wells
The Effects of Zinc Sulphate, Manganese Sulphate, and Iron Sulphate on the Lead Storage Cell., George A. McCracken
The Electrical Conductivity of the Copper-Aluminum Alloys., William W. Hintalla
The Electrical Resistance of Metals and Alloys in Their Hard and Soft States, Noah David Gerchesvky and Charles Becker Hoskins
The Electrical Resistance of Metals in their Hard and Soft States, Eugene A. Avery
The Electrodeposition of Manganese from Certain Aqueous Solutions, Fred J. Hill
The Electrodeposition of Manganese from Certain Aqueous Solutions., William C. Wallace
The Electrolytic Deposition of Chromium Upon Aluminum, E. Fults and L. D. Voerge
The Electrolytic Recovery of Copper and Zinc from Scrap Brass with Special Reference to Lead-Bearing Brass., Frederick A. Hames
The Electroplating of Cadmium from Sulfate Solutions, Lewis S. Prater
The Electrowinning of Copper from Roasted Sulphides, Thomas B. Linn
The Equilibrium Relations of Nickel Sulfide with Copper and Sodium Sulfides, Walter A. Hamilton
The Extraction of Manganese from Manganese Flue Dust., John Raymond Moore
The General Geology of the Cardwell Mining District, Clyde Congdon
The Geology and Ore Deposits of Jardine, Montana, Wolter Duykers
The Geology of Lost Creek Canyon with Special Reference to Igneous Activity, John Kolesar
The Geology of the Southern Central Portion of the Morrison Cave Area., Arthur Talpt
The Influence of Enterprise Systems on Business and Information Technology, D. Lance Revenaugh, Ph.D. and Myles M. Muretta
The Inhibitory Effects of Carbonaceous Materials on the Cyaniding of Gold Ores., David Currie Jr.
The Jefferson Canyon Gypsum Deposit., Arthur Talpt
The Leaching of Electrodeposition of Iron, Emmett G. Simmons
The Pre-Jurassic Surface of Montana., G. Fay
The Presence of Rhenium in Montana Manganese Ores., Henry E. Swanson
The Rate of Precipitation of Copper Aluminide in the Silver Rich Silver-Copper-Aluminum Alloys, Thomas Finley McBride
The Recovery of Copper in Sulphide Ores by Roasting, Leaching, and Electrolysis, Jack S. Greenough
The Staining Effect of the Hydrochloric Acid-Chromate Trioxide Solution on the Minerals of the Chalcocite-Stibnite-Galena Ternary System., John W. Johns Jr.
The Testing and Concentration of a Low Grade Copper-Nickel Ore., Laurence T. Eck
Treatment Technology Validation for Water Softening Technology, Caitlin Brown, Nathan Dillon, Kevin Tweeten, Peixi Yan, Kayla Lester, and Tim Lewis
Underground Stratigraphy of Montana, Virgil R. Chamberlain
Vise Assembly, Charles Shaw
Warranty vs. Non-Warranty Road Construction, Bailey P. Francis
Warranty vs. Non-Warranty Road Options, Eyvanna Connole
Wetting and Reactive Air Brazing of BSCF for Oxygen Separation Devices, Richard LaDouceur and Alan Meier, Ph.D.
What Makes Science Hard for Newcomers?, Sheila Tobias