
Fluid Induced Earthquakes: Insights from Hydrogeology and Poro-mechanics

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Pore fluid pressure is known to cause earthquakes near deep fluid-injection wells and newly built surface reservoirs. Induced seismicity has surged in recent decades at some but not all such sites. This lecture is an overview of fluid induced seismicity from hydrologic and poro-mechanics perspectives. Two case studies illustrate how pore fluid pressure could have played a role in observed seismicity, one near a deep well fluid injection in the tectonically quiet central US, and the other near a surface reservoir in a tectonically active region.

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Shemin Ge is a 2016 Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer. She was Chair of the Hydrogeology Program Planning Group for the Ocean Drilling Program from 1999 to 2002, Editor for Hydrogeology Journal, and Associate Editor for Geofluids and Journal of Ground Water. She recently served a two-year term as Program Director for the Hydrologic Sciences Program at the National Science Foundation.
