
Why Black Lives Matter is Necessary

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 10-7-2020


Race, Slavery, Black Lives Matter, Politics


Black Lives Matter as an organization and slogan has become a flashpoint in the USA’s politics and culture. But it is much older with its roots in the history of slavery, segregation, and police brutality that has been the norm of the black experience. Dr. Danielson will examine this history, and how BLM and the white resistance to it in many ways reflect the same patterns of earlier movements, like the civil rights struggle. In turn, he will also consider the movement’s goals regarding the future of policing and its relationship to American communities.

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Dr. Chris Danielson is a P rofessor of History at Montana Technological University, where he has taught since 2009. He is a specialist in the civil rights movement, having published two books on race relations. A native of Texas, he did his undergraduate work at the University of Houston and his PhD is from the University of Mississippi.
