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The MAGMA is the title of the yearbook, published by students of Montana School of Mines. It provides a comprehensive review of all activities, classes, faculty, clubs, fraternities, organizations, and athletics. The history of Montana School of Mines has been a colorful one, making steady progress as each year goes by. The fact that Montana School of Mines is known throughout the world as one of the foremost schools in the field of mineral industries engineering is perhaps due both to fortune and foresight. The selection of Butte was a most happy choice, for in Butte, as in few other places, the student has the opportunity to gain practical experience along with theoretical training. He may do this through part time work in mines, mills, or smelters as well as frequent visits to industrial plants for observation and study of engineering problems and operations.
Publication Date
Spring 1963
Magma, School of Mines, Butte, Montana, 1963
Recommended Citation
Associated Students of the Montana State School of Mines., "Magma 1963" (1963). Magma 1948-1997. 22.