
Stream Restoration and the Importance of Understanding Groundwater and Surface Water Interactions

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Recent advances in stream restoration show that there is a growing need to more accurately monitor groundwater to determine changes in water fluxes, characterize groundwater and surface water interactions, and estimate changes in groundwater recharge and storage. This presentation will highlight two field sites. The first site is on the Middle Fork of the John Day River north of Galena, OR where there is stream re-routing and reclamation of mine tailings. Groundwater monitoring and modeling will be used to determine the effects of stream re-routing on nearby wetlands. The second site looks at the effects of water storage and flow from beaver mimicry structures placed along Blacktail and Basin Creeks in the Highland Mountains near Butte.

Streaming Media


Dr. Glenn Shaw is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geological Engineering at Montana Technological University. Glenn received a Masters degree in Geological Engineering from the University of Utah and a PhD in Environmental Systems from the University of California, Merced. Glenn teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in hydrogeology and contaminant transport and has 15 years of experience in consulting, state and federal government, and academic work. His research focuses on groundwater and surface water interactions in mountain systems. Recently, his work has focused on stream restoration and groundwater.
