
Bare Hands and Drones: Low-tech and High-tech in Ecological Restoration

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The talk will cover a variety of techniques that have been implemented across the Mt. Haggin WMA that rely on cutting edge drone technology for vegetation mapping, delineation, project design and monitoring. The speaker will also demonstrate how fairly primitive and crude techniques that use both manual labor and rough construction to achieve dramatic restoration results. These approaches thrive in an adaptive management context that depends on great teams, intuition, flexibility and creativity at the expense of detailed plans.

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Pedro Marques provides project management and support for restoration work throughout the Big Hole River and Clark Fork River watersheds. Pedro has worked in the Anaconda Superfund site since 2009 and joined the Big Hole Watershed Committee as staff in 2016. Pedro has more than 10 years restoration and project experience in private consulting in Montana, and he has been instrumental in the recovery of smelter-impacted lands in the Mount Haggin Wildlife Management Area on behalf of the Natural Resource Damages Program, BHWC, and MFWP. Pedro currently implements over $1.2 million of restoration work across the Big Hole.
