
Sasquatch's Footprint: a Guide to Plant Restoration

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Green is good in all plant restoration projects, but no projects are alike and all need specific approaches to achieve the desired effect. Giles will utilize his 20 years of field, lab, and greenhouse experience to suggest different rules-of-thumb to consider when working to promote the target plants' growth and persistence.

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Giles got his undergraduate degree at the University of Oregon, spent three years snorkeling for Bull Trout in the mountains of Oregon. He then achieved his MS in fisheries genetics from UM-Missoula; spent two years hunting for amphibians in the backcountry of Glacier NP, then ran the Callaway Plant Ecology lab at the UM for 11 years. Since 2005 Giles has promoted native plants through his successful niche business, Native Yards Inc, in Missoula. He is a proud father of two elementary school boys he created with his lovely wife Kelly Dixon.
