
Applying Nature Based Solutions in Abandoned Mine Remediation

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 9-22-2021


remediation, Butte priority soils, mine waste, water quality


The Butte Priority Soils Consent Decree was entered by the US District Court in November 2020, signifying the conclusion of 14 years of negotiations, and providing a roadmap for completion of the final remedy in the Butte Priority Soils Operable Unit. Through completion of the ongoing and further remedial elements scope of work, additional historic mine waste will be removed, more contaminated groundwater will be captured and treated, and surface water resources will be further protected. Management of impacted stormwater from the Butte Hill will be fundamental to the success of the remedy. Atlantic Richfield Company will implement Nature Based Solutions to manage this stormwater prior to discharge to Silver Bow and Blacktail Creeks. In the end, the Silver Bow Creek Conservation Area will have been created, a 160-acre urban greenway in the heart of Butte. The net positive impact of the project will be measured in terms of increased biodiversity, use of sustainable materials, and improved social and economic conditions in Butte.

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Josh Bryson has represented Atlantic Richfield Company for the past 3 ½ years working to advance Consent Decree negotiations, improve public outreach and community education, continue remedial investigation and design, and provide uninterrupted operation and maintenance of remedial systems. As Global Risk Champion, Josh has assumed the responsibility of facilitating assessment and management of business and operational risks associated with more than 1,100 sites across Remediation Management’s portfolio. He holds degrees in biology and environmental engineering, is a licensed professional engineer, and a certified project management professional.
