Date of Award

Fall 2016

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Interdisciplinary Studies (MIDS)

Committee Chair

Chad Okrusch

First Advisor

Scott Risser

Second Advisor

Jack Skinner

Third Advisor

John Garic


This thesis and research are intended identify how the Millennial and the tail-end of Generation X perceive Career Technical Education (CTE) courses as a part of their secondary education. Then, how these respondents perceive careers commonly associated with CTE, and if or how societal, peer, and parental pressures influence perceptions of CTE, especially when compared to the common educational structure which actively advocates 4-year education as the only way to a successful career and good life. This thesis will also quantify how freshman and sophomore college students perceive CTE courses after high school, and if exposure to CTE influenced their post-secondary educational and career choices. In addition, perceptions of high school and college students who did not have CTE education courses offered in high school will have their perceptions of CTE compared against students who did have CTE courses offered in high school.


A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science: Interdisciplinary Studies
